Chia Cacao Pudding
Today I would like to share this delicious Chia Cacao pudding. I was looking for the perfect desert for my two year old picky eater. I was looking for something sweet, refreshing and super healthy.
Nutritional Benefits:
•Chia seeds are high in fatty acids, omega 3, and are a good source of protein, fiber, calcium, magnesium and manganese. The seeds are easy to find in supermarkets, health food shops, or online.
•Cacao is high in antioxidants, boosts cardiovascular health, lowers high blood pressure and improves mood.

My daughter loves it!
Chia seeds are delicious when made into chia pudding. If you haven’t tried one before I encourage you to do so!

1/2 cup chia seeds
1/2 cup milk of your choice (I use almond milk)
32g vanilla protein powder
1/4 unsweetened cocoa powder
2tbsp agave
1/2tsp vanilla extract
Place the chia seeds, protein powder, cocoa powder in a bowl.
Add milk, vanilla and agave mix well.
Pour into glasses and place in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
Cut a couple of fresh strawberries and add mint leave for presentation.